May 11, 2014

Rowland Hilder's Palette

His landscapes are a bit overdone for my taste, but Rowland Hilder captures ideas that touch some deeper part of me.

My tastes run closer to the simple austerity of Andrew Wyeth. I like to be inviting to participate in the completion of the work. With Hilder I find myself wanting to filter things out, the busy-ness.

But I do like the horizontalness of the land, the simple architectures, the large expanses. Perhaps it's why I enjoyed living in the geography of Nebraska.

And I like his palette. The color choices strike me as just right.
Here's my list of transparent pigments, all of which are useful for the low-toned areas:
     Raw sienna
     Burnt Sienna
     Alizarin crimson
     Payne's gray
     Neutral tint
     Raw umber
     Burnt umber.
Most of the pure yellows, as well as the following opaque colors, are useful in the lighter tones:
     Yellow ochre
     Light red
     Terre verte
     French ultramarine blue.

Here's a work I like, presented in a step-by-step demonstration of technique. I haven't been able to locate a print of it--the scan from the book includes the fold. It's a nice image even with that.

Mere in Winter.

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