February 9, 2010

Stay away, thank you.

"It must be a long drive up the canyon to Nederland."
"Long it is. Long, terrible, dangerous. And to do it every day is grueling."

"How can you live in all that cold?"
"Oh, it's hell."

"Aren't the winters long at that elevation?"
"For sure, it takes a special kind of person to survive them."

Today we see an entire industry devoted to telling us how beautiful the "Emerald Isle" is.  In 1940, as the country carefully defined itself as neutral in the exploding, ever-expanding European battleground, the message was Stay away. You don't want to be here.

In Nederland we have our own reasons for discouraging people from wanting to live here. Of course, we love visitors.

It is, after all, our corner of heaven, and the sparsity of people helps keep it so.

Ask the folks who travel the I-70 corridor.

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