September 28, 2009

The BIG pitfall.

How do you talk about Wisdom without sounding like a Hallmark Card?
Now I find myself standing at a crossroads between old and young...Between the anxiety of youth and the wisdom of age....What can I tell others on this road? Find God within yourself. Start making your peace with death, and find the joy in life. ~
Out of respect for the author, I won't attribute this bit of banal but unquestionably true tidbit.

Here's an example of the careful balancing required:
If wisdom is a kind of knowledge that is built up by repetitive facing of life situations, then one would think that after some 8000 to 10000 years of settled civilization, teachers and schools would have long ago come up with clear curriculums to teach wisdom.  Certainly by now there should be lots of folks who make A's in that subject!
 Alas... wisdom, while ever related to knowledge, is not a kind of knowledge and hence the puzzles of life remain no less a challenge than they ever were.  Alas (or better actually, hooray) wisdom only ever comes upon us in the living now.  Alas, one can no more store wisdom than one can store breath.
 from a comment by Gordon Raynal, Presbyterian pastor in Inman SC.

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