March 29, 2014

Rudi Huisman. Rembrandt for the 21st Century.

In this new world of connections I've been fortunate to begin an international friendship with an immensely gifted artist from the Netherlands. Reluctant as I have been to join the world of Facebook, I'm recognizing that judicious use of it opens a vast new universe for me, and Rudi is the best of it.

I've spent weeks now pondering what to say and how to say it about Rudi Huisman and his work. Other images and works I post here on some intangible whim of spirit. This work deserves far more respect. Rudi deserves respect.

Of course the esthetics speak to me, the subtle color and lighting, the stillness. But it's the deeper sense that I get each time I even glance at one of these images. There's more going on here than meets the eye.

For the moment I'll post only these. I need to continue to sit with Rudi's work. I've only begun to hear the lessons it has for this world.

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