August 8, 2009

At a Remove.

From Morggan I received a copy of this book, and have been studying it rigorously.

The subject is of great interest to me these days, given the turns in my health this past year has brought.

But beyond the subject, it's a profoundly well-documented story of how belief systems influence the staid, supposedly rock-solid world of academic research. Science-writer Taubes, whose previous work was called Bad Science, is actually more interested in this metastory than he is in the subject of nutrition.

It makes for fascinating reading, and is fueling my deeper and wider intellectual searching these days.

A thoughtful reader comes away with a new vision of "reality."

followup: limiting my carbohydrate intake has led to an 18-lb weight loss, after several years of no loss on a severely limiting non-fat diet.

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